Vedic astrology

Self is infinite consciousness, with other words it is pure consciousness. Constant awareness of the Self is liberation, and to be not aware of the Self is bondage. To live a life in liberation compared to a life lived in bondage is similar than the infinity compared to a point. 

In the state of liberation you act according to the need of natural law freely form the impressions of your previous acts. A person lives in harmony in liberation, and this person is always satisfied. While in the state of bondage people act according to the impressions of the previous acts,which manifested in the mind and which force themto act. 

Vedic Astrology is a science of the true knowledge which can help you out from a life lived in bondage. Vedic Astrology is a part of the knowledge revealed by the Masters of Vedic Traditions. 

It helps you to understand and accept your nature, it helps you to understand the mechanism of the Universe, and it helps you to understand your position in the Universe, finally it helps everybody to understand the final truth. There are trusted websites, like, or in which you can find information about Vedic Astrology services.